Saturday, July 28, 2012

I Can't Help It, It's in My Blood...

I try to be good,
to concentrate solely on what I am doing.
Really I do. But time passes, and I get bored.
Then the next thing I know, without my permission,
I'm staring off into space, while my mind wanders—
to this...
naked hunk of a guy bathing ... *drool!*
And I grin (wickedly?),
and think to myself, "Self?
"Your life could be worse.
"You've got the best job in the world,
"and that is has to be—
"writing romance novels!"

Happy Saturday!

Anybody got a towel? Nah!  ;)

(Hunk via my Holdin Out for a Hero board on Pinterest. If you're ever in the area, stop by for a bit and join the fun! Just tell them Reb sent you.)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hi everyone!
I’m participating in the SIZZLING SUMMER READS PARTY 2012!event over on The Romance Reviews website.My question day is July 17th—come and WIN what I'm giving away! All month long you'll find lots of really great giveaways by some of your favorite romance authors.
If you get a chance, please stop by and join me! Oh, and before I forget, you can Click Here to visit my personal page there. (I know—it seems like I'm everywhere these days, doesn't it? lol!)

The Romance Reviews Sizzling Summer Reads

Check out:

* FYI: Participants must register at The Romance Reviews website!